Monday, October 4, 2010

Some family just don't belong.

It's a long story. But my before I was born, my family went on a cruise, when they came back, they weren't a family anymore. My grandad had met another woman on the ship, and left my grandmother for her. Everything was different. A year after I was born my Nanna passed away, and i knew no different about what had actually happened with my Pop's wife.. I treated her like family, and felt like i wanted to be like her. I found out just a couple of years ago what she did, and how she tore my family apart. Ever since I knew this I haven't forgiven her once.

Anyway, when my Nanna passed away, she left the family house to my mum and my uncles. We lived there till I was nine, and then mum and i moved out, leaving my uncle there. Time's come where he's being forced to sell the house.. rahrahrah. SO. My step-grandmother, comes into the house and goes through every drawer, picks out new colours for the house, etc, likes it's her own. This might be okay to some people but not to me, the person who tore our family apart, is coming in to the family house acting like she has a right to be there. She doesn't. I really don't get why no other people in my family, except mum, think this is wront? Wouldn't you? Ugh..

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